Wednesday, September 30, 2015


It's almost October and to end this month, I thought I would do something fun and different than my normal, everyday blog post. I was catching up, aka binge reading, the Momentary Moments blog by Sara Holt when I read this post. I figured it was fun and different so I figured I'd give it a try.
1. Favorite Food? Does ice-cream count? No, ok well I guess it would be Chick-fil-A's amazing and delicious chicken nuggets. Seriously, I cannot live with out Chick-fil-A.
2. High heels or flip flops? I love high heels but I don't always wear them just simply because I'm a klutz. Flip-flops are my go-to for the weekend or when I'm not doing anything "fancy."
3. Favorite places to shop? Hobby Lobby is my favorite home décor place, but as far as clothes go, I love JC Penney's, mostly because aside from the clothes, they always have a Sephora in them and I love stopping in and rummaging through all the new and fun makeup items.
4. Standard coffee order? Well, I don't drink coffee, *gasp*, I know it's hard to believe but I have never liked the taste, but it does smell amazing. However, I love Starbucks and anytime I see one, I will order a Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino! *yum*
5. Must-have road snack? Pretzels, Flamin' Hot Funyuns, or Beef Jerky. I also enjoy fruits but they are sometimes messy and hard to manage if driving.
6. DIY or hire it out? I am a firm DIYer. I love being crafty, although I'm not always the best at it, I still really enjoy it. I look forward to buying our first home just so I can get in there and DIY-remodel everything!
7. Top 5 TV shows? Right now, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Scream Queens, American Horror Story, Difficult People, and any home remodeling, home buying, or just home related shows.
8. Favorite Book? The Great Gatsby! And you can bet that I own the movie and love it. It definitely helps that the main character is played by one of my favorite actors. But aside from the movie, I absolutely adore the book. The first time I read it, I was obsessed with it. The writing just seems to pull me in and I can't seem to put it down, no matter how many times I read it.
9. Favorite form of exercise? I used to love cardio. I thought that was the only way to lose weight, but after I really started working out and getting into a better routine at the gym, I realized that I prefer anything with weights. If I had to choose a favorite machine, that would be the Smith Machine.
10. How tall are you? Last time I checked, about 5 foot 2.
11. Do you try something new at restaurants or stick to favorites? Typically I will stick to my favorites but every now and then, if I'm feeling brave or adventurous, I will step out of my comfort zone and find a new favorite.
12. One makeup item you can't live without? Mascara. Forget everything else, I would not be able to enjoy putting on makeup if I couldn't have mascara.
13. What's on your nightstand? Right now, mostly TTC items such as essential oils for infertility, Progesterone tablets, my basal body thermometer, and of course my cell phone charger.
14. One thing infertility/TTC journey has taught you? I've learned that trusting in God is the most important thing. Even more, praying to Him and just having faith to know that He will provide and He will keep His promises for us to "go forth, be fruitful, and multiply." I hold on to His words and promises dearly.
15. Music that reminds you of high school? This may be showing my age a little bit, but I remember Fall Out Boy. Although I loved all forms of music, they were, at the time, growing into the band they are today. I loved that there were only few people who listened to them and liked them, now the whole world knows who they are and I feel they have become more commercialized so I don't really listen to them as much.
16. If you could live anywhere in the world, other than your current city, where would it be? On one hand, I'd love to live in Europe, like Paris, Germany, or Italy, but on the other hand I'd love to live somewhere else like Canada, Australia, or even stay in the states and live in Hawaii.
17. Something about you we might not know? I am a total nerd for movies like The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Twilight Saga, to the point that I only want to go to Universal to spend the entire time in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
18. Websites you read/browse besides blogs? Google! I could spend hours just searching through Google. Best part is, you can start out searching one thing and then end up somewhere completely off the beaten path. Google is an online adults play land.
19. Morning person or night owl? During the weekends, I am morning all the way. During the week, I am looking forward to night time. Overall, I would say I'm more of a morning person, because I don't mind waking up early, but when it comes time for bed, I'm not missing out!
20. What's your best feature? Oh geez, I would say my eyes...I have always gotten compliments on them growing up and as I've gotten older, I've learned to appreciate just how much your eyes can do. I like that they can tell people if I'm happy, sad, angry, or outgoing. Like they say, "the eyes are the window to the soul."
Well guys, that's my post for today. Thanks for reading!