Tuesday, September 22, 2015

FALL {09.22.2015}

Hard to believe 2015 is just three months from ending. Did anyone else see this year fly by, because I'm not sure where it went? But, it's finally Fall! This is my absolute favorite time of the year. Just the whole time between September through December is just an amazing time. Every time Fall comes around, I celebrate it and try to enjoy every single day. Well, this Fall, even with all the crazy plans we have, I decided I want to make a Fall Bucket List. We more than likely will not be able to complete most of them, but I would like to attempt to do a few of them. Here's the bucket list I found:
Does anyone else have any Fall plans or family traditions? Right now, the only "family tradition" we have, between E and I, is Texas Ren Fest, which as you know, we attend every year. In addition to my bucket list, I want to update my Fall décor so a stop at Hobby Lobby is in my near future. Pinterest is to blame because everyday there is a new Fall décor pin and I just have to have it! *side note: I love Fall but I've never had a Pumpkin Spiced Latte (gasp)*  We wrote, in full detail, about our 2012 Texas Ren Fest experience here!
I'm really excited about the weekend of October 10 & 11 because we have a full weekend of fun Fall events to attend and I can't wait to share them with you. I'll talk about them a little more as the time comes, for now, I will leave you with a few blog posts from years before.
I guess you can say this is my yearly Fall blog post.
A Few Side Details
Erik is still in school, he just started his third year, first semester. Only two and a half years until he will graduate from the program and become a Journeymen. He is definitely looking forward to the end of the semester, like most people in school, but since he is taking CAD this year and not Welding, he doesn't have too many complaints. We are right in the middle of another TTC cycle and although I will not be updating the way that I did at the beginning of the year, I still keep up with everything that I said I would do this round. I will likely make a few OPK posts/cycle updates, and will also do a TTC post around the first week or so in October, just as an informational post. If you are in your TTC journey and want to find out what you can do to better your chances of a BFP, read here. As far as everything else goes, we are immensely blessed in all aspects of our life. God has been very good to us this year and this is the first time, since we moved in together in 2011, that life has just been easy and effortless. Although, it does break my heart that at this point, I would be one month from delivering my second child and, if the first baby would have stayed, I would have a two and a half year old! My only hope is that God will answer our prayers. I pray that 2016 will be our year to welcome our healthy rainbow baby. And, even though I can't wait to write our year in review post for 2015, I am begging the rest of this year to slow down and just let me enjoy the Fall and Christmas time before we are thrown right into Spring.
Happy Fall Y'all!