Wednesday, September 16, 2015

CLOMID YEAR 2 • ROUND 3 {09.16.2015}

Hold up! Is this post really about Clomid? But, I thought you were done trying? Well, after much debate, we decided it wasn't over. We returned home from our cruise and felt that it was time to give it another round. Since I want to keep you updated, especially since I have some TTC sisters following, I decided to do another Clomid update. This cycle, AF started on her own, for the first time in a long time, I didn't need Provera! AF started on my 23rd birthday, September 9, (yay me!). Luckily, the day before, I placed an order for Clomid to be refilled. Everything was perfect timing. I literally picked up my medication on September 10, just in time for me to start taking it on September 11. This cycle, I promised myself that I wouldn't get crazy, I want to take it one day at a time while also preparing my body and doing everything I can to ensure this time we get a BFP with a healthy baby.
With our first pregnancy in July of 2013, I literally did nothing. We took the medication and basically didn't care about timing or temping. This is why, for almost 10 weeks, I had no idea that I was even pregnant. The most recent pregnancy, in January, was completely different. This time, we did everything! Vitamins, BBT charting, Acupuncture, OPKs, Pineapple name it, we did it! Naturally, I decided that if we were going to spend the money on the medication, that we should make it count. So, this time around, we will be doing everything in our power to ensure that we not only get pregnant, but that this baby sticks and grows healthy and strong. With that, here are the results from Round 3 of Clomid.

Cycle Day: 1 (9/10)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil
Symptoms: Horrible headache in the evening
OPK or HPT: Neither
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled 
Milestones: Clomid starts tomorrow

Cycle Day: 2 (9/11)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 1 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: Backache, extremely tired (but that is due to crazy schedule)
OPK or HPT: Neither
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones: Remembered to take my BBT this morning

Cycle Day: 3 (9/12)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 2 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: None, felt great!
OPK or HPT: Neither
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones: First acupuncture appointment for this cycle, I can already feel a difference in both my stress levels as well as AF symptoms; Also temporarily lost my BBT so I had to use a regular thermometer

Cycle Day: 4 (9/13)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 3 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: A little cramping but not horrible
OPK or HPT: Not yet
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones:  Just feeling great, no crazy Clomid symptoms

Cycle Day: 5 (9/14)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 4 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: Slight hot flashes at night time, woke up this morning feeling really sweaty; Temperature outside in Texas is amazing for mid-September, @ 65 degrees!!! Horrible headache that started around 5pm and did not go away until I fell asleep.
OPK or HPT: Not yet
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones: Tomorrow is the last day of Clomid and so far I haven't had any crazy symptoms, just simple hot flashes but I still get those even when we are taking a break from Clomid

Cycle Day: 6 (9/15)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 5 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: Surprisingly, after my horrible headache last night, I have no symptoms; AF is extremely light today, I can tell she will be gone by the time I get home tonight
OPK or HPT: Not yet
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled

Cycle Day: 7 (9/16)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil
Symptoms: None! I feel great!
OPK or HPT: Not yet
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones: I managed to make it through another round of Clomid without any problems. Usually Clomid makes you crazy, but I think I'm used to it by now so I'm immune to the effects. OPKs start tomorrow (Cycle Day 8); Just like previous times, I am taking them (3) times a day at 8a, 2p, and 6p, this gives me a wide range to work with daily and see the full possibility of ovulation

*side note: I will be taking Progesterone after ovulation*

Fertility Chart (current from Cycle Day 7)
 Ovia Fertility Monitor (current from Cycle Day 7)

Sperm Meets Egg Plan

Cycle days 2 thru 6:
9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/15

•{Baby Dance}
Cycle days 8 thru 22:
9/17, 9/19, 9/21, 9/23, 9/25, 9/27, 9/29, 10/01

Cycle day 8 thru 23:
9/17 thru 10/02

•{Two Week Wait}
Cycle day 20 thru 30
9/29 thru 10/09

Cycle day 30 thru 35
10/09 thru10/14

Start on Cycle day 18
Get all the details about what we did to get pregnant in January below:
Also, be sure to read our pregnancy announcement, bumpdate, and miscarriage story.