Monday, September 28, 2015

WEEKEND RECAP {09.28.2015}

Well, we are just two days away from October and this weekend was a blast. Probably the best way to celebrate the last weekend in September. Friday night we spent time with the family at Willie's Icehouse to celebrate E's mom's birthday. We laughed and enjoyed quality family time. Saturday, E had to go to school to make up for the days he missed while we were cruising, so I spent most of the morning catching up on sleep and then headed off for a pampering session. After a long TTC week, a nice pedicure and nails. This is literally the first time I have gotten short, rounded nails. I usually go for short, square. It's also extremely rare, if ever, that I get a color rather than white tip. Saturday afternoon we headed over to E's parents house to help remodel and "fix it up." His mom has been saying for months that she wanted to finish the guest bath, kitchen, and paint the living room/dining room. I told her that it wasn't going to get done unless we actually did it, so E and I assisted. His mom and I were able to paint the whole living room and dining room in just a few hours. Although we do have several spots to go over since we couldn't reach, but overall, we managed to get it done. E worked with his dad on the guest bath and got quite a lot done. There is just a few more pieces left but they have to measure and cut the wood and it's being extremely difficult. Afterwards, we enjoyed some Chinese food at the dining table together. It was really nice getting to have dinner with E's parents without the TV. Although we were all worn out, it was nice just getting some one-on-one time with them.

Sunday, we woke up and burst out the door for church. Our church is about fifteen minutes from our apartment and it's a nice, country drive. The service was amazing and I was bawling. There was a video of a couple who struggled with infertility, had a miscarriage, and are now blessed with twins. I feel like that was a sign from God. Really and truly. I feel like that message was for me. Not that I have any doubts in Him or His plan, and I certainly am not in the position I was when we experienced our first miscarriage, but after this long week of TTC, the only thing left to do is pray and pray and pray. Pray that this round worked, but more importantly that we will have a healthy baby. Ironically, this isn't the only sign this weekend. Saturday night, we were laying in bed and turned on the TV, first show that came on was SteamPunk'd, mind you we had never seen this show before, but yet the first episode we watched was about baby nurseries. I laughed and looked at E and he knew exactly what I was thinking. After church, we headed home to watch the Texans game, and they won! While E enjoyed the game, I napped in the bedroom. I needed it. I had so much sleep catching up to do from the week prior, so it was really great being able to nap. Later that day we headed to the grocery store, grabbed our My Fit Foods for the next few days and before going to bed, we watched the new season premier of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It really was a wonderful weekend and now I am looking forward to the upcoming weekend. Aside from it being the first weekend in October, we have some fun plans and I can't wait to share them with you.

iPhone Photo Dump • Weekend Addition

Pampering - most relaxing two hours ever!
 The color, I'm in love.
 Before the Blood Orange Moon, we got gorgeous sky views. Looked just like a watercolor painting. God can make thing so beautiful!
 Here is the items you'll need for the Mason Jar DIY. Mason Jars, hot glue gun, glue sticks, pile of real or fake leaves, and a mini candle. I decided to use real ones because big Texas trees equals big gorgeous fall leaves.
Here is the final product. I just love the way it turned out and plan on making more. Although I think I may buy some of the fake mini candles, that way I can put these all around the house at night and not have to worry about it burning my house down.