Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hip-Hip-Hooray! {01.31.2013}

Hello Wonderful World!!

Guess what?! Today is the day I, FINALLY, get my wedding rings back! I have been wearing my engagement ring every single day without removing it once, almost an entire year, while we’ve been married. However, I haven’t been able to wear my wedding band because the diamond fell out L So I have been dying to find a place to get my rings fixed and after much searching found the perfect place where the Price is Right! {Yah, I loved that game show!} I dropped my rings off on Saturday 01.26.2013 and it has been a lllloooonnnnnggggg week without them! You don’t realize just how much you’ve forgotten that you don’t have them on anymore. All week long I was checking out my finger trying to figure out where the heck they went! Thankfully, I know they are safe, clean and ready for my finger J
Yesterday, I posted about my perfect party theme and I decided to tell my wonderful and “would do anything for his princess” Husband, Erik. He actually LOVED the idea! He knows Jimmy Buffett has always been in my life, thanks to my father, and so I think that’s why he knew I would HAVE to have it! Not to mention, this year, on my birthday, marks the 5 year anniversary of my father’s death. I’m not going to go into a frenzy of crying right now, I’ll save that for the anniversary date {happy tears-hehe}, but my father was amazing! He raised me as a single parent and I thank him for what he has taught me, so it really is a special birthday this year. I want to make it a celebration of my life at 21 and a celebration of his life through some good ol’ Jimmy Buffett!!  So as you can imagine, I’ve already been surfing the internet and have found some really cute stuff! In the pictures yesterday, they didn’t have any of those cute paper-ball lanterns and I love those so I might buy some of those to hang all over. {Best part, they can double as outside décor for our house one day!} Aside from all that, I’m very excited to finally be able to get health insurance tomorrow! I have finally reached my 90 days at work and will be able to enroll in a really great health insurance plan that is totally affordable. I am so ready to go to the doctor it’s not even funny!!

Well that about does it for me. I hope you all have a wonderful night and I look forward to posting pictures of my rings-yay!!

God Bless
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Parrot-Heads, Mermaids, Pirates?? YES!!!!! {01.30.2013}

A Perfect Party Theme!
I know, I know, September is months away. But for me, its prime party-planning time! I’ve been dreaming about the day that I turn 21 and it seriously hasn’t come soon enough!! I’m not really the “go out and get drunk in a club with loud noises” type of gal. I like to spend time with friends and family who really enjoy my company and make me feel important. So {to no surprise} my party-planning DIY personality kicked in full gear when I discovered my PERFECT party theme and location! Let me just say, if there’s one thing you got to learn about me, I LOVE JIMMY BUFFET!! I am a DIE-HARD Parrot Head {all thanks to my late father}. As you can imagine, my theme is…… “A Mermaid looks at 21!” Oh boy I cannot wait!! So here are some of the pictures I found and what will be my inspiration as I being my planning for this one-of-a-kind Buffet celebration! {Mind you, I will be making changes to make mine more personalized for ME!}
I love the top picture, I won't be having very many guests {HOORAY!} but I love the set up with the Margarita (plastic) glasses holding the Corona's {Which if I have to pick a beverage to use, Corona would be my choice}. The "Sandbars" are another idea that I will be stealing. Everyone I know loves Rice-Krispy Treats but I think I'm going to try to use cookie dough instead. If it doesn't work, Rice-Krispy's it is. I'm not a huge fan of Rice-Krispy's but hey if it keeps the fans happy, then so be it! The cupcakes I totally adore but I'd probably end up using different decorative pieces.

Ok, seriously?? Who can go wrong with Hamburgers? They are everyone's favorite meal and yes, they will be served (with and without cheese). The "Round O' Brew" will also be seen at my party for those who want to head down to the beach with a bucket-good idea huh?? I just love the Corona and Hula girl shot! {Super Cute!}

I love the banners and will probably end up making mine because I am a DIY girl but I will not be using those colors-definitely NOT orange! I love the surf-board idea but I'm not entirely sure where I will be able to find something like that, so I'll have to play around a bit with ideas. The Margarita glasses are fun! I'm not sure what's in this but I will be making Jello shots but I will be using these instead {just a light amount of alcohol will be used since they are so big!} The cake-pips are a done deal! No party is complete without them. Mine will probably not look nearly as good, but I will do my best... 

The pickle and french fries with ketchup is a MUST! Grab one to use as a side with the Hamburgers. I might make some without the pickles since some people don't like pickles. The top right picture will not be at my party so skip to the below picture. The "Shark Bites" will make a debut at my party. Cute little blue cake balls with blue m&ms!

I will definitely be drawing a BIG "Megan's 21" in the sand! How can you go to the beach and not write something in the sand? I love the cupcakes! You bet they will be at my party! I will also have mini bottles of Jose Quervo and there HAS to be "Shakers of Salt" with candy inside!

Ignore the top picture since I have no idea who they are-hehe but the little bottles of ketchup-those will be there! Notice the cookie-cake on the table, that will also be at my party!

Look at how cute this all looks? I don't have an autograph but I will find a picture of him and have it proudly displayed. Maybe I can find someone in the office with Photoshop abilities who can photoshop us together, wouldn't that be fun?!

Here's a close up of one of the tables. Seriously?! Cannot get any more perfect and fun then this!

And finally, I love the "Today's Surf Conditions". It is truly needed in Galveston as the weather is always changing here in the great state of Texas! And Flip-Flops to blow-out!? YES PLEASE!!!!!

Well that's all for me! I hope you enjoyed my theme and I look forward to posting pictures! I might even bump my party up to June just for the heck of it!
God Bless
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Here is the link to the blog where I found this wonderful theme:
Monday, January 28, 2013

Another Day, Another Day! {01.28.2013}

Happy Monday Ladies & Gents!!!

It is so hard to believe it is Monday already! Where did the weekend go? Did anyone do anything exciting? Please share with me as I love to hear stories about what people find fun to do on the weekend.

There were a few things that I did, but mostly just wasted time haha!
Let me think....
Saturday I woke up to my phone ringing as my mother-in-law was calling me. It was actually really great to spend an hour chit-chatting with her since we rarely do it and when we do, she always has great things to say. Hubby was gone until 3pm working, but I did get to visit him for lunch which was so nice! Spending time with him, even if its 25 minutes, really makes my heart jump. Saturday after lunch I had a nail appointment {A much needed nail appointment if you ask me}. My nails after 2 weeks are so gross! The nail underneath is dirty and the nails are so long and on and on....{Ladies who get their nails done-fake nails-will understand}. Ming is my main-man at D-Nails! He is amazing, so amazing that I am scheduled for every 2 weeks at the same time. Yes I do go frequently!!!

After my nail appointment, I ran over to the jewelers down the street from our apartment. For a year now, I haven't been able to wear my wedding band because the diamond fell out. I have been dying to get it done just haven't remembered or haven't had time. I had to leave both my engagement ring and band so that they could solder them together and resize them. It is very weird not having a ring on my finger. Erik said it's like we got a divorce haha

Sunday we went to church-of course!! It was amazing as usual. Always so nice getting to praise the Lord for all the wonderful things we have in our life and praise Him for our love, relationship and blessing our marriage. Sunday evening was mostly filled with laundry and finishing the cleaning I had left, which wasn't much {thankfully}.

Today I'm feeling a little cold coming on. I'm hoping to knock it out and take the steps to get better. I hate being sick!! {Who doesn't right?} Not much going on this week. I get my rings back on Thursday, I finally get to apply for health benefits at my job {yay!}. This weekend however, BUSY!!!!!!! Saturday Erik has work, after work we have pictures {woo hoo!}, and then on Sunday after praising Him, we are going to look at Texas Women's Hospital. We are mainly going to the Hospital for my health insurance. I have to find a primary OBGYN and the man who delivered Erik {Dr. Irwin} is who I want but I want to make sure that I like the Hospital he is affiliated with {you know, in case I get pregnant}. So looking forward to a pretty busy weekend.

Oh and I can't forget to mention that we got our car insurance!! The cost is phenomenal!!! We are so very happy to finally have our own insurance for both of us and both vehicles! {yay us!!}

Here's to a quick week and a slow weekend!

God Bless
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Friday, January 25, 2013

Thank God It's Friday! {01.25.2013}

We have officially made it to the best day of the week…Friday!! Seriously, I am so happy its here. I’m ready to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Yesterday I posted about going shoe shopping and unfortunately my shoes were nowhere to be found L Noone had the shoes I was looking for so I cut it short and figured that I would shop some more on Saturday. Erik did get his shoes for work and they are nice! I bet he is so happy because they look comfortable and he as he put them on last night I heard “ooh”, “ahhh”, “wow!” So it’s safe to assume he likes them, which is always good because when you spend quite a bit on shoes, you really hope that they don’t go to waste. So here’s a picture of the famous new shoes!
 A few nights ago, we took the dogs to a field near-by that is completely open. It’s better than going to the dog park because we get to spend time with them as opposed to them running off and us never seeing them again for about 2 ½ hours or until they are dying of thirst and are like “mommy, daddy, we NEED water!!” If you aren’t a pet parent, you’ll probably think, “these crazy people think that their dogs talk to them” but if you are a fur-baby parent, then you know that they really do have emotions and although they can’t speak our language, they certainly do know how to tell us what they want. Oh, and you can also see that I did in fact dye my hair and I truly believe it looks so much better…what do you think?
Oh, I have to show you this! I made a really delicious meal that included: chicken bites with a homemade seasoning, greenbeans covered in bread crumbs, olive oil, garlic powder, and creole seasoning, and it was all paired with a salad! So delicious and it filled us up completely. Total cost-$5!!!!!!

I can’t forget to mention my wonderful husband wrote me an adorable, short note to get my morning started. It’s always wonderful to see little things like this because it really does make a difference in a good day vs. a bad day. I write him notes too, and usually he doesn’t have time to write mine but when he does, it makes my heart skip a beat!
Well that about does it for me. I am ready to get home and go shopping at Sam’s for some yummy groceries and maybe curl up on the sofa, grab chips and watch a funny movie.

I hope that your weekend is amazing!

God Bless
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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fast Track Of Our Lives! {01.24.2013}

Busy, Eventful, Hectic!

Those 3 BIG words explain our week exactly! I am in total shock at how busy both of our weeks have been. Thankfully busy helps make the week go by faster but it also means lots to do in a short amount of time and it can be quite stressful. I remember waking up on Monday thinking, “oh boy, this is going to be a long week,” but man I was WRONG!!! Now don’t get me wrong, it may sound like I hate being busy but in all honesty….I LOVE IT! Want to know why? Well number 1 it keeps you focused and successful in the work place but it also helps keep your eyes off the clock and before you know it, that 8 a.m. “start working” alarm turns into a, “hey girl, it’s 5 p.m. What are you doing still sitting here?” Ok so maybe my alarm doesn’t talk to me and it certainly doesn’t sound like a sweet southern lady, but it does make me better when I can work, work, work all day long and BAM! 5 p.m. arrives and it’s on to the home-front for me! Erik’s day…well I’m not too sure how it goes for him but I assume it’s probably something like this, “It’s not time to go home? COME ON!!!!”-hehe! I’m kidding, he probably stays just as busy as me especially since his entire job is on a set deadline that does not move or budge at all! I must admit though, I know he celebrates when he gets home after working 10 straight hours!  He probably throws a party and somehow manages to get everyone out of the house and it spotless by the time I get there 2 hours after he’s been there. {Shortest parties ever! J} But at the end of the day it is sooooooo nice to go home to a wonderful, loving and devoted husband who would do anything for me llliiikkkkkeeee take me new totally adorable black high heels for me to wear to work and like everywhere else! And you bet I will be taking a picture for my wonderful bloggers! And don’t be fooled ya’ll, we are buying him new work shoes too. {See how that works, I get a gift & he gets a gift-how sweet huh?} I really am looking forward to the weekend though, not because anything real exciting is happening but because I have been putting off cleaning {and not just like eh cleaning I’m talking DEEP cleaning} for about 2 ½ weeks now! I guess you could say I’m one of those goal setters that kind of gives up when it’s not something totally exciting like cleaning….blah! But the house really does need a clean sweep because next week I get to get the carpets cleaned-woot woot!! {FINALLY!!!} But then again, maybe I should wait until next weekend to clean since, you know, it’s pointless to clean when the carpets haven’t been done yet-right?? Well I look forward to sharing photos of our new shoes for you-maybe it will inspire you to find a wonderful pair of shoes because I believe that a new pair of shoes, that fits just right and it comfortable, makes your happiness much happier!

Here’s to a wonderful night and a glorious morning!

God Bless
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Consuming My Time {01.23.2013}

Good Morning Everyone!

Well we've made it to the middle of the week! If you're like me, then you have probably been waiting for the weekend to come. Although I'm not quite sure why because Saturdays Erik works so I basically sit alone at home waiting for him to get off. But not this weekend, this weekend I am going shopping and I am so excited! New shoes and new clothes, what girl wouldn't be excited about that? 
I feel like I don't get to update our blog as much as I would like to but that's because I barely have enough time when I get home. Let me take you through a normal day in our house....

3:45 a.m.- Erik gets up for work
4 a.m.-Erik leaves for work
5 a.m.-Erik starts working
6:20 a.m.-I get up for work
7:10 a.m. - I leave for work
8 a.m.- I start working
8:15 a.m.-Erik gets a 10 minute morning break
11:30 a.m.- Erik takes a 30 minute lunch break
12 p.m.- I take an hour lunch break
12 p.m.-Erik is back to work
1 p.m.- I am back to work
3 p.m.- Erik goes home
3:30 pm.- Erik gets home, showers, rests and relaxes
5 p.m.- I go home
6 p.m.-I get home
6:30 p.m.- I change and start dinner
7 p.m.- We eat dinner, pick a movie and I start laundry
7:30 p.m.- Pause the movie and change out the laundry
8 p.m.- Fold laundry and finish the movie
8:30 p.m.- Take showers and get ready for bed
9 p.m.- In bed and ready to fall asleep
We start all over again.

So as you can see, I don't really have time to update like I would like too.{Unfortunately!}

But while I am here today, I am going to make a promise to update regularly like I want to. Let’s see, we’ve been pretty busy lately. I finally got to meet Erik for lunch last Saturday which was great!! I also dyed my hair brunette and I love it!! I am so happy I went back to brunette. I feel that brunette just looks so much better on me. Erik and I paid our first car note bill on Monday –yay! It’s not exciting to get rid of money but it is exciting that we have our first family car. We are still trying to conceive and it hasn’t been an easy journey if you’ve been reading our posts. I’ve had quite a few people ask why we are having such a hard time being that we are obviously young. We are going to write about why it’s taking so long around March because then I will be able to give you an exact reason {you’ll get all the details later}. Aside from trying to conceive, we’ve been enjoying our life-of course! We are coming up on our year anniversary and are in the “planning-mode” of what we are going to do to celebrate. I really want to go on a trip somewhere, outside of Texas, where neither one of us have gone. {That’s a hard task since I’ve been everywhere and all the gorgeous places in the US are filled with our families. I.E.-California, Florida, Louisiana}. I am just looking forward to a one-on-one, by ourselves, romantic getaway. We haven’t really had anything like that. We’ve always gone to see family or gone to spend time with family. And, most important reason, we want to get one romantic “alone-time” getaway before we have kids. {I think that’s a pretty darn good reason!-hehe} Anyway, I look forward to keeping you updated on that as well as all the other fun and exciting things we have going on in our life like trying to move to Katy, TX {finally}, taking a trip, getting pregnant and our year anniversary! All very exciting things to look forward to.

God Bless
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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chocolate, Work & Our Life As We Love It!! 01.19.2013

Hello everyone!

I hope your weekend is bringing you happiness and sunshine.

This weather week in Houston has been crazy! With one day hot, one day ice on our cars and now a beautiful sunny Saturday all in one week, I'm bound to have a story for you! Well first let me start by saying I OFFICIALLY LOVE CHOCOLATE! I used to hate it. I'd take a bite and it would just make me so thirsty- blah! But then, a co-worker of mine brought dark chocolate mini Hershey bars in and I went to town! I ate piece after piece after piece. It was so yummy! I was shocked with myself because for years I tried to eat chocolate but it never got my taste buds moving until now. So I guess you could say I am like a die hard chocolate fan-yay! All yummy chocolates aside, I was super busy at work this week. My desk was over flowing with papers on-top papers and assignment following assignment. I felt like I was never going to get it done, but no worries, I got all of it done :) Erik has been busy at work as well. Right now they are working on a building and they have to have all the welding and piping done in less than 2 months! I don't know how they do it, but they make sure it gets done on time. This past Friday, Erik and I were in need of some groceries, we finally joined Sam's club and we are so in love. The prices are great and we can buy in bulk which means it lasts much longer. Oh Sam's club, you can do no wrong-hehe. So Erik and I have been needing some high quality photos taken because our engagement pictures are average, our wedding pictures are average and the only phenomenal photos we have are of us going to Prom and we certainly don't look the same anymore. So I found this outstanding photographer and we are scheduled to snap shots in February. Oh I can't wait!! And in the mean time, we trying to eat right and I'm working on my smile so that its perfected when picture time comes. Not to mention, it seems like the months are flying by! What happened to December? That came and went in a FLASH! Guess its true, once your out of High school time just keeps on keeping on. Recently, we've been thinking more and more about adoption. Maybe it's because my 21st birthday is around he corner somewhere, or maybe it's just that baby-fever is hitting us hard. Well whatever the reason, it's been the topic of our conversations for more than a week now. We've even started applying for adoption, just to get the ball rolling. It's pretty exciting to read about and dream about but also very nerve-racking because we have no control over anything when it comes to adoption. We're hoping to hear from someone soon, but until then, we're keeping God beside us and praying he answers us. Oh, I can't forget to mention our year anniversary which is less than 5 months away!!! Pretty darn exciting if you ask me. Still hard to believe its been almost a year but, Amen, it feels good to be in love. What's that song, "you look so good in love?" That song is exactly how I feel! We've been looking on Groupon everyday trying to find a good deal on a trip. We aren't looking to stay long, we are thinking about leaving Thursday night, May 23rd, and return Monday night, May 27. Since Mothers Day falls on our actual anniversary and there's no day off until May 27th, we decided to push it back so we could get an extra day and not miss Mothers Day. I guess we would be gone for 4 nights and 5 days. It'll be quick but it will be a nice little getaway for our anniversary. We are still actively trying to conceive and hopefully we will get a positive pregnancy test in the next few weeks or months. It's definitely a lot harder then we thought. We were told all our lives how easy it is to get pregnant young, but we've had no luck whatsoever. I guess that's how it works sometimes. We are still keeping our heads up, enjoying the journey and we continue to pray that God will give us the gift of a healthy miracle baby. Other than that, not much else is going on. We are looking forward to church tomorrow and I guess no football now that the Texans are out of the playoffs. But, we can't complain, they gave us a GREAT season! Way to go boys!!!

God bless,


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pinterest Told Me To Do It!! 01.13.2013

So I have been Pinterest-Inspired all week long!!! I have so many Pinterest items I can't wait to try! If you don't know what Pinterest is, basically it is a site where you can create however many boards you want, title them as you please, find pictures or ideas other people have done, and "pin" the pictures to whichever board you want. It's completely customizable and did I mention there are great ideas!!{Imight have mentioned that once or twice-hehe} So with all my energy and ideas, I started on the two easy ones...... Food Planning and Folded Clothes!! And, of course, I snapped some pictures!!! And here they are....

Enjoy, God Bless & GO TEXANS!!!!!

Pre-Baby Update #3! 01.13.2013

Pre-Pregnancy Questionnaire...

About You

Name?: Megan
Age?: 20
Height?: 5'2"
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 160lbs.
About The Father Name?: Erik
Age?: 21
Height?: 5'11"

About Your Pregnancy

Will this be your first pregnancy?: Yes(:
How long have you been trying?: 3 weeks
What is your ideal due date?: 11.13.13 or {as a joke} 11.12.13 :)
Do you know want a girl or boy?: Starting to want a girl with all the cute girl clothes I've been seeing recently
Have you picked out names?: Yes
If so, what are they?: Remains the same...Aubree or Aubrie {undecided} Belle and Jensen Maddox
Are you taking any vitamins or medications to help you get pregnant? Yes
If so, what are they? Same....Folic Acid, Prenatal, Fish Oil and tonight we are trying Pre-seed and hoping for a BFP!!
Have you had a pre-pregnancy check up? Not yet, scheduled for March
Who is your doctor? Dr. Michael Hold
Will he stay your doctor throughout the entire pregnancy? Yes

About the birth

Home or hospital birth?: Hospital
Which hospital do you like? Methodist West Houston-Katy
Natural or medicated birth?: Definitely medicated but not heavily. I want able to move around
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: Maybe.. I'm not sure....but most likely :)
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: We've waited so long for you!
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: No! Photograph,yes!
Are you excited about the idea of birth, or scared?: Excited but still scared because you can't really prepare for it and I am definitely one who likes to be prepared.

God Bless,

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What a wonderful week!! 01.12.2013

Where do I start?

This week has just been full of excitement and fun!! Let's start from the beginning....
Monday morning Erik got a call from his work saying he passed his test and would start his new "better paying" job Wednesday. Tuesday showed up and I had something like a period which was so great because for the longest time I hadn't had one. I'm hoping that the vitamins I've been taking (Folic acid, Prenatal and Fish Oil) are helping and that next month my period will arrive on time. Wednesday Erik started his new job at 5am!! He said that he doesn't like waking up early but that he loves the money and that's why he's working hard :) Thursday was Newsletter day at my job and I was waiting for my turn to be in the "getting to know ..." section and my luck, I was chosen to do it! It was really fun writing about things important to me and everyone got a few laughs from what I said. Friday finally arrived and it was wonderful!!! It started with a HUGE Happy Birthday to Baby Colton who turned 1! Boy the cake looked sweet, after he took a bite, he made a cute sour face. At work I got the "spot on" award which is where every week one person is spot-lighted for working hard. It came as a total shock but I was super happy to get it!! Friday night Erik and I celebrated our wonderful week with a nice dinner at Texas Roundhouse. It was a wonderful ending to a wonderful and busy week. Today I'm trying to look at rental homes and then hopefully find something to spend my $25 gift card on-hehe. I'm looking forward to praising God tomorrow and believe me he deserves lots of praises!!! AND, DON'T FORGET, Go Texan Day!!!!! Where your Texans colors proudly as they get ready for their 2nd playoff game.

I hope you all have had a good week and I hope your weekend is amazing!! I look forward to posting tomorrow.

Enjoy the pictures, Happy Saturday and God Bless you


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Total happiness!! 01.07.2013

Happy Tuesday!!

Oh my goodness yall, it has been a wonderful week!!

Where do I begin!!! Saturday Erik got new glasses and during his appointment, we messed around and snapped some pictures. Afterwards, we met with his parents to eat lunch at Willie's and shortly after, Erik and I we were super lucky enough to grab tickets to the Texans playoff game. Sunday morning we got up went to church and praised God! After church, we met up with Eriks aunt, mom, dad, and two cousins at Rudys for some much needed yummilicious lunch. Monday morning Erik got a call from his job saying he passed his test for work and is being promoted! He starts his new job bright and early tomorrow at 5am. He is so nervous but very excited- like a kid going to school. Soo I've been saying I want to post photos of my desk at work and I have been forgetting about it but I finally got some pictures today. Tonight I made some delicious food with the help of my hubby. We made rice-a-roni chicken flavor, Cajun seasoned French Fries and {my secret recipe} caramelized chicken. Oh-muh-gosh it was the best dinner ever!!! I made cookie-cakes for dessert- YUM!!! This Friday we are looking forward to baby Coltons 1st birthday. Oh, I can't forget to mention my love for my new phone which takes AMAZINGLY clear photos... the photos you will see are taken by my phone {Erik & I got matching HTC phones with our AT&T upgrades-yay}. So I guess you could say there are lots of really exciting things going on and everything seems to be moving along smoothly and wonderfully for the start of 2013. I am so humbled to know that God is blessing us in so many ways. He is so amazing! Well that's all I have for now. Oh, check out my update below!!

My Pre-Pregnancy To-Do List...
-Eat Sushi {Done}
-Dye Hair
-Eat Deli meats {Done}
-Soak in a hot tub
-Drink Diet Coke {Done}
-Sleep on Back {Done}
-Deep Clean House {Done}
-Eat Cookie Dough {Done}

Pre-Pregnancy Questionnaire...

About You
Name?: Megan
Age?: 20
Height?: 5'2"
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 163lbs.
About The Father Name?: Erik
Age?: 21
Height?: 5'11"

About Your Pregnancy

Will this be your first pregnancy?: Yes(:
How long have you been trying?: 2 weeks
What is your ideal due date?: November 13 2013 or December 31 2013
Do you know want a girl or boy?: either just so long as baby is healthy
Have you picked out names?: Yes
If so, what are they?: Same...Aubree Belle and Jensen Maddox
Are you taking any vitamins or medications to help you get pregnant?
If so, what are they? Same....Folic Acid, Prenatal, Fish Oil and hoping to start on Clomid later
Have you had a pre-pregnancy check up? Not yet, looking to schedule for March
Who is your doctor? Dr. Michael Hold
Will he stay your doctor throughout the entire pregnancy? Yes
About the birth
Home or hospital birth?: Hospital
Which hospital do you like? Methodist West Houston-Katy
Natural or medicated birth?: Definitely medicated but not heavily. I want able to move around
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: Most definitely!!
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: We've waited so long for you to come, my sunshine
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: No!
Are you excited about the idea of birth, or scared?: Excited but still scared because you can't really prepare for it and I am definitely one who likes to be prepared.

Enjoy the pictures(:

God Bless
