Sunday, November 9, 2014

Count Your Blessings {11.09.2014}

Today was full of emotions. I woke up this morning around 5:30am to use the bathroom, fell back asleep, woke up again at 7:30am to use the bathroom and failed to fall asleep. I laid around playing on Pinterest for about an hour and a half, then decided to get up and make some breakfast. I made pancakes and they were so delicious! Around 10am, Erik woke up, ate with me, and we preceded to get dressed. I had a maternity photo shoot to rush off to, and it was about an hour away. We left the house and were on our way to the shoot, but traffic was horrible. Although, it was a beautiful day so we weren't fussing too much. We arrived to meet my client, snapped some amazing photos, and zoomed back home. We decided last minute to run to the grocery store and pick up something easy to make that could double as lunch and dinner. We paid the cashier, and went home to start cooking, well technically Erik started cooking, I started primping {hair, makeup, finding an acceptable outfit}. Around 4:45pm we got up and headed back out the door. Tonight was our dear friend, Zach's viewing. He was killed Thursday, November 6th by some reckless driver. He was working around the Houston area when the car struck and killed him. It was a total shock! Zach was only 22 years old, too young to leave earth. Erik and I saw so many of our old friends and reconnected with a few through social media. It's days like these when you realize just how precious life is. So I say to you, call a friend or family more you haven't spoken to in a while, try and rebuild an old friendship, and never hold grudges because you never know when it might be their last day.

God Bless