Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Adoption Meeting-Check! {04.08.2014}

Well, the meeting was fantastic!! It started out a little off track, we waited about 30 minutes before realizing that the whole group was in the wrong location, thankfully one of the workers came and escorted us to the correct location. After we entered the meeting room, we were handed a piece of paper to fill out brief information regarding ourselves and what we are wanting to do. Afterwards each couple was handed a packet which detailed all the information regarding the adoption process and what the adoption company would look for when choosing adoptive parents. Another piece of paper was handed out and that was a checklist {and yes! the planner in me was thrilled lol}. Our meeting leader took us through the packet while pausing to answer questions along the way, I was very thrilled to have her because she was very detailed and honest through the whole meeting. After reading the packet, we were asked to raise our hands for those of us still interested in moving forward with the process, and, of course, Erik and I raised our hands. We were then handed a large packet {aka: the application} which had question after question and some more questions. So many in fact that I was only able to complete the first three pages. The meeting was brief but very detailed and I must say, we walked out feeling positive and excited. We have a lot of work to do over the next few months including attending lots of training classes, gathering together the millions of documents needed, and even preparing a room for our childs forever home. But in the meantime, we are thankful that we feel confident enough to move forward with the process. 

God Bless,
