Friday, April 4, 2014

We Are...{04.04.2014}

Lots of things have taken place since our last post but the most important is a decision that we made over the course of our hiatus. We have decided to adopt and have our first meeting April 8. Adoption has always been something that we wanted to do but we just recently started pushing for it to happen since we are at the peak of our lives. We both have steady jobs, make great money, have insurance through my husbands company, and we are settled in our town. We are looking to rent a house in September when our lease is up because we want a bigger place and more room for a child. So we are back because I thought we could use our blog as a way to share our adoption story. I know many people who want to adopt or who are adopting and I loved reading their stories so this is ours and it began the second we made the decision to adopt. One thing I can say is that we have realized that this decision started out being about us but quickly it changed to being about the child, his or her needs and every child needs a loving forever home and we know we can give that to them. So here's to hoping the journey is smooth and we can be blessed with a child to love. 

Here are some pictures we took during our spring photo shoot that we will add to our adoption book for our child to look through.

God Bless,
