Saturday, April 25, 2015


Recently, Erik and I have been embarking on a new kind of adventure, one that involves our love for the Lord. I have had a few friends and family members ask me to help guide them through a plan that they may be able to follow with their loved one. E and I believe that the most important relationship, aside from a powerful one with God, is an equal strength with a significant other, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend. The closer your relationship to your loved one, the closer you will both become with the Lord, and may even notice that you both begin to walk with Him throughout the struggles, happiness, and trials of your relationship. E and I have always stressed the importance of building our relationship with each other and keeping God in the center of it all.

So I want to challenge all the couples out there to take our weekly Bible Study Plan Challenge. Starting tomorrow (Sunday, April 26), grab your bibles, your significant others, and a few moments of alone time while you read or listen to the readings. If you use Instagram, use the hashtag: #FBBBible and snap a few photos of your bible study. Alright, here is the plan that you will follow throughout the week.
Day 1 | Sunday, April 26 ~ Leviticus 18:18
Day 2 | Monday, April 27 ~ John 14:15
Day 3 | Tuesday, April 28 ~ Deuteronomy 6:5
Day 4 | Wednesday, April 29 ~ Amos 5:15
Day 5 | Thursday, April 30 ~ Matthew 1:18-19
Day 6 | Friday, May 1 ~ Proverbs 17:17
Day 7 | Saturday, May 2 ~ Matthew 5:44

We will be making a page where you can visit the Bible Plans if you missed a week, so be on the lookout for that. We will provide you with the next week's plan on Saturday. Finally, we want to know what you want to read. Maybe about Infertility and God's promise, how about family, or even friendship? Let us know what plan you'd like to see, and we will create it for you!

If you do not own a bible, that is ok! Visit and create a login. You can also find the bible app on your iPhone or Tablet for use and it does include voice readings.

"Be grateful in the good times and Faithful in the bad times."

God Bless and Love Always