Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I find that a lot of people, at the gym, tend to skip cardio. Sure, lifting is great. Abs, Shoulders, Legs, Back, those are all really great, but you cannot forget cardio, yet people do. I'm always amazed when people, who lift exclusively, say they can't understand why they aren't losing weight. Sure, you are toning muscle and tightening skin, but without cardio, you won't get very far. That's why, you'll notice, many workout plans include up to three, sometimes four, days of cardio.
Now, that doesn't mean that you should just do cardio exclusively. It's good to have a balance of cardio and strength training. But, for those of you who want to know just how important cardio is, here are five reasons you should be adding cardio to your workout schedule.
1. Improved Heart Health
Prevent Heart Illness
2. Improved Brain Function
Pumps oxygen to the brain
3. Increased Bone Density
12% Increase
4. Alleviate Depression
Smile More, Depressed Less = No Medication
5. Improved Sleep
Fall asleep 54% faster and sleep 37% longer
Now, I fully understand that not everyone likes to run. But running is not the only form of cardio. Here are five ways you can get your cardio workout in!
1. Speed Walking
2. Swimming
3. Skipping
4. Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Karate
5. Jump Rope
Keep in mind that you can do all the cardio and strength training workouts you want, but the real work is done in the kitchen. It is so important that you eat the right food for your body. There are so many healthy eating plans on the internet, so finding one that fits your lifestyle shouldn't be hard. Focus on eating five to six meals a day at least two to three hours apart from each other. Make sure you are cautious not to pile up on the carbs. Another thing that I have found to be super helpful, protein and supplements. The more I take, the fuller I feel. Not all proteins and supplements make me feel like this, but I've noticed that taking these gives me energy and makes me feel fuller, longer.
If you are looking for a specific workout plan, maybe you are like me and want to become a Bikini Competitor, or maybe you just need a simple workout and eating plan, then visit and spend some time researching options for your lifestyle. Remember, you are not going to see the exact same results as someone else, but you will see the results that your body needs.
*For some amazing, "transforming" workout plans, click the links below*
(note: these plans are for intermediate levels, please do not do these workout plans if you are not at the intermediate levels)
Find more amazing workout plans and more health/workout information at