Thursday, August 20, 2015

EXCITED {08.20.2015}

Excited is an understatement!
I have just purchased my NPC Competition Bikini and competition jewelry. I also found my heels but will not purchase those for at least a few weeks. The bikini I chose is absolutely gorgeous. I am really excited that it will be customized for me! I'll be patiently waiting...
Although I want my vacation to go nice and slow, I am really excited that when I return home, my competition suit will be only days away from being in my possession. My competition date is March 2016, so I have plenty of time, and a lot of people have been asking why I decided to order  my suit so early. One of the main reasons, is motivation. After spending the money on the suit, the last thing I want is to have it be spent for nothing. The other important reason, I really want to take progression photos. I knew that taking the photos in the suit that I would be wearing on stage which allow me to see not just the changes that are happening weekly, but also visualize what areas of my body need more work.
I've come to the realization that my goal of doing my first competition has just become real! Now that I have ordered my suit, there is no time for excuses. No time for cheating. Every day at the gym will need to count. I'm sure that over the course of the next six months, with hard work and determination, I will reach my goal.
I will be attempting to do weekly Vlogs on YouTube. I really want to document my journey. I always see other bikini competitors documenting their journey and am thankful they do because it allows people like me to see that anything is possible. I want to use that as a tool to show people that weight loss and your dreams are possible.  I'm constantly reminding close friends and family members, who say working out and losing weight is hard, that E and I have lost 40lbs. it wasn't easy and there were days where we felt like nothing was changing, but looking back, I'm so proud of how far we've come. It's never going to be easy. But we have fallen in love with working out and this healthy lifestyle change, and you can too!
I will definitely post photos and maybe even an unboxing video, once my competition suit has made it to my home. For now, I will focus on my vacation which is exactly 10 days away!!!
God Bless and No Stress