Friday, August 7, 2015

DREAM BOARD {08.07.2015}

dreamcatcher, sunshine, sky, sunraysI have always been an avid "dreamer." Always dreaming about my future house, future children, and well, just the future in general. Recently, I was reading a post about a woman who made herself a dream board and all the things she had "dreamed" about, she accomplished. I thought to myself, "what a great way to make goals and follow through, no matter how hard it may seem to accomplish." So, I set out to make my own Dream Board and Pinterest is one outlet to use to make/start a board but I really wanted to narrow it down.
E and I have been talking for awhile about building our first home. After living in apartments for five years, we felt it was time to start looking for a place to plant our roots and grow. We have always loved our city, it's where we met in fourth grade and we've always thought how wonderful it would be for our children to grow up in and go to school in this city.
This past Sunday, August 2, we spent some of the day touring model homes and new neighborhoods around our city. Scouting out the best deals and trying to narrow down our choices. We settled on a neighborhood and even our future home. I am really excited to watch where we will be within the next year. Our goal is to be able to put our down payment on the house in December 2015 or January 2016 and start building around February/March 2016. I'm really excited about this! I have been praying and dreaming that we might be able to get a home, and it may finally be coming true. Best part is, we aren't just buying any old home, we are building. Which means our home will be ours. We get to choose what is looks like inside and out.
I'm really looking forward to keeping you all updated on the status and I think this would be the perfect Christmas present to E and I. We have a few months left to get things in order and then fingers crossed, we will get the process started.
Here is my dream house ideas, inside and out:
I do not want a 2-story, but I love this stone style
 Dream home elevation #1
 Dream home elevation #2
 Kitchen love
 Literally drooling over this one
Can you see a pattern in my dream kitchens?
I'm really excited to share this journey with you all and as we get closer to December/January, I will let you know the status.
*Do you have Dream Board or Dream House? Share your Pinterest name or URL with me so I can see your ideas and dreams*