Monday, November 16, 2015

WEEKEND RECAP {11.16.2015}

This weekend was quite full but relaxing at the same time. Friday night, E had to work late so I pretty much hung out watching TV and working on some YouTube stuff. Saturday, was busy! Saturday morning, E got up very early and headed to work. Thankfully he got home around 10:30am and we were out the door to Costco. Meal prep and working out has commenced. We have taken a two month hiatus from working out and meal prep, and now, we are back at it. Sunday we got up around 9am and started cooking. We didn't finish our meal prepping until about 12pm. We used to be absolutely horrible at meal prepping, it would take us five or so hours to get it all done and now, we are pros! The best part, we were cleaning and keeping up with the dishes as we went, so by the time we were done, the kitchen was clean. After meal prep, we cleaned the house, ate lunch, watched some TV, and then decided we were ready for the gym. Here is our current workout schedule:
SUNDAY - Cardio (30minutes) & Abs
intervals on treadmill; stability ball crunches, lying down leg lifts, and plank
MONDAY - Chest & Back
WEDNESDAY - Shoulders & Arms
FRIDAY - Cardio (full @ 1hour)
alternating between rowing, stairs, treadmill, elliptical and bike
Our schedule will change weekly so that our muscles and bodies do not get used to this. In addition to the changing schedule, our workouts will also change. This will allow us to maximize our workouts rather than doing the same thing for weeks at a time.
After our cruise, I was embarrassed because I had gained back three pounds. Although, I was prepared to come back with weight gain, I was disappointed. I didn't think I was eating that much but when food is at every corner on the cruise ship, it's kind of hard to keep a steady eating schedule. After those three pounds, I took on another three pounds from the hiatus. This was actually a surprise to me because I thought I had gained a lot more. Majority of the reason why I haven't gained so much back is all due to the fact that after we returned, I did my own meal prepping. Breakfast was two boiled eggs and 1cup of fruit, Lunch was always baked chicken and baked broccoli, and Dinners were whatever. Here is my new meal prepping menu:
BREAKFAST - Two boiled eggs & 1cup of Special K dried strawberry cereal
LUNCH - Baked chicken and 1cup of baked broccoli
DINNER - Grilled tilapia with green beans and edamame or Baked chicken with baked French style green beans and carrots
alternating daily - totals: 4 nights of tilapia and 3 nights of chicken
SNACK- Baked pretzel chips
My goal, until the end of the year, is to stay away from carbs; breads, pastas, sodas, ect.(see diagram below) I have to start out with a reasonable goal and shoot for that, I can't just say "one year without carbs," because I will ultimately want to go back if I feel like my goal is unreachable. Once I've gotten through the rest of the year without carbs, I won't have a single desire to go back. Thankfully, I don't crave any of those items so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. I will eventually need to kick the cereal but for now, it will do.
For those wondering, the Special K dried strawberry cereal is actually whole grain cereal. Here are the Nutritional Facts:
I will post more about our workout and meal prep for those that have been following our journey from earlier this year. Stay tuned because I will be posting all the details on everything!
iPhone Photo Dump
This bear is taller than me and he totally gets me!
Meal prep

No better feeling in the world than when I get to meal prep

Gym, we meet again!

Lastly, we need to be reminded that the French gifted us Lady Liberty. We have an incredible bond with France and we must join forces as a nation and pray for them and all our fellow countries struggling at this time. #PrayforParis and #PrayforourWorld
Thank you for hanging out and reading the blog today. Happy Monday!