Monday, November 23, 2015

WEEKEND RECAP {11.23.2015}

Wow, we have already made it to Thanksgiving week! I'm just amazed at how quickly the year seems to fly by. We have a lot of fun-filled weekends coming up, but first, let me take a minute to celebrate this past weekend. Here's another weekend recap.
Friday night was relaxing, Erik and I got to spend some quality time with his parents. They came over and played with our furbabies and we just talked and talked. Sadly, we had to cut it short as Erik had to go to bed for work in the morning. Saturday, I was running around like crazy. I woke up, got my nails done, met an old friend to catch up and chat about makeup, then I took my car to get an oil change and finally got back home and started picking up. I was hoping to get the laundry and some cleaning done, but neither of those took place. Once Erik got home, we got dressed and had multiple plans, but everything we planned just didn't work out so we ended up having a fun evening at home. He did however, finally, manage to get my desk out of the back of my car and into the house. I was able to put it together and I really like the way it turned out. It's my littler corner for working so our dining room table can be free of clutter and open for us to eat dinners together. Erik really wanted Bullritos, so we stopped and picked that up and just ate it for dinner. He also wanted to stop by Spec's. Right now, he is really addicted to Not Your Father's Root Beer, so we grabbed a case for him. Don't think we didn't get me anything. I really wanted a daiquiri so I just grabbed one of the frozen daiquiri makers, some Malibu rum and went on my way. We ended up going home, drinking and eating and then passing out. We are definitely not the party types! Finally, Sunday came and it was crazy! Sunday morning we got to enjoy lunch at Gringos. Our friends, who are more like family, invited us to go for an early Thanksgiving with their family. We got to see our Goddaughter Madison and of course, we got to spend some quality time with Josh and Alexa. After lunch, we headed to a good friend from High School's house for her first daughter, Sasha's first birthday. She is expecting her second daughter, Aria, around January. It was "My Little Caterpillar" theme. Shanice did a great job with the decorations. I adore DIY projects so it was fun to see her ideas. After the party, it was time to head home. We stopped by the grocery store for a few things and then went home so I could start on the laundry. Before our weekend ended, we caught up on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and The Walking Dead.
Over all, it was a wonderful weekend. Around this time, we tend to get more and more busy, but it's always amazing getting to enjoy the holidays with friends and family.
iPhone Photo Dump
 My desk area, all set up and ready to go. I start school in just 21days so having an area to myself where I can work and study will be so nice
 Our Goddaughter Madison!
 I just absolutely adore her! Erik does too (see photo below)
 I swear there has to be a special bond between a Goddaughter and her Godfather because she absolutely loves Erik! He always manages to make her smile or laugh
She's getting entirely too big 
I mean really? Too much cuteness!!!
 Sweet Sasha and her mama, Shanice
 Little Caterpillar photos from Newborn to One 
 DIY gift ideas; Hershey bar covers, name tents; goodie bags with photos of Sasha
 Food galore; baked beans, potato salad, fruit, chips, veggies, deviled eggs, hamburgers
Shanice, Sasha, and I - Happy 1st Birthday Sasha! 
Sasha's caterpillar birthday cake 
You know I had to, he's back and we totally called it
For those wondering what the beer looks like; you can find it in cans at HEB or just head to Spec's and grab a six pack