Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The pain we felt today will never be forgotten! {10.29.2012}

Monday greeted us with devastation. If you have animals, then you will understand this post and why it means so much to my husband and I. We have 3 beautiful dogs and they are truly our children. We would die for our dogs if the time ever came. And because they are our children, we hurt and cry when they are hurt. Today was one of the hardest days of my life. Tate, our youngest puppy, was almost sent to puppy heaven. After a normal busy Monday morning, my day took a complete 360. I took Chief, Brooks and Tate potty outside and like normal, Chief and Brooks immediately ran up stairs after pottying. Tate on the other hand is about the size of a ruler so he doesn't walk or run nearly as fast as the other two on top of that, he just recently learned how to climb up the stairs at our apartment. There are probably about 15 stairs and was almost to stair 13 when all the sudden he slipped through stair 12 and 13. He fell about 8 feet to concrete below. I was at the top of the stairs waiting for him and cheering him on as he climbed each one. I literally turned around for two seconds to look at Chief and Brooks and by the time I turned around, he was gone. (What I heard next is something that will live in the back of my mind forever.) I heard a thump and he started to whine but it wasn't his normal squealing whine, it was low and sad. I immediately rushed down stairs, there he was just laying there, his head was touching his back and he was laying on his side. He wasn't breathing or whining or moving. I was so afraid to pick him up because I didn't want to feel him no longer with us, but I couldn't just let my baby lay there. I picked him up carefully and carried him upstairs while whispering to him, "please be alright baby", "please wake up". After getting inside, I laid him on the carpet in our living room and immediately started bawling. I called my husband and he didn't answer, so I immediately called my FIL. He answered and was having a hard time understanding me because I wouldn't stop crying. After talking to him for about 10 minutes, my husband called me on the other line and I answered. I tried my best to stay calm but I just couldn't stop crying. I told my husband that I was rushing our baby to the puppy hospital and he said he was on his way to meet me. Tatte thankfully and very slowly started to come to, he was able to open and close his eyes and slightly move his head, but his legs just wouldn't work. We arrived at the pet clinic right next to our apartment but they could do nothing for us and sent us to another pet clinic about 5 minutes away. I rushed him to the next clinic but again they could do nothing for us and sent us to the pet hospital which was another 5 minutes away. I got there and they immediately took us to a room. The nurse came in and examined him, thankfully he was at about 75% and she said she would get the vet to see him immediately. When the vet came in, Tate was about 80% and was somewhat able. He was examined and the doctor said nothing was broken but that he has mild to medium neck problems. They prescribed us medicine to give him, we paid and left. Once in the car, we gave him his first dose of medicine but about 5 minutes later, he stood up, threw up and just fell back down to sleep. We called the vet and he said that wasn't normal and to bring him back for an overnight stay or we could keep him but we would need to keep an extremely close watch on him. We decided keeping him home was best. Finally after about 4 hours of sleeping, resting and a little eating, he was at about 85%. He continued to rest until about 5 minutes ago when Erik and I saw him come waddling around the corner. I would say right now he is at about 90% but there is still a chance of brain issues. He isn't himself but he is getting better very very slowly and we are praying very hard! We know he is a strong little boy and pray he pushes to get better. We are hoping that he doesn't give up on himself because we never will!

Here is a collage of pictures from the hospital:

Top left is the sign the vet-nurses put on the outside of the door, it says "Tate Trauma 1:35pm". The top right sign is our room number at the pet hospital. Bottom left is of Tate at about 80%, he was a little out of it and could hardly hold his head up but he was awake and alert. Bottom right is of Tate's hospital stage that he did not want to sit, lay or stand on so mommy and daddy had to hold him most of the time.

Thank you so much for letting me share and remember {Kiss Your Dog Daily} because something could happen to them in the blink of an eye.

God Bless & Love Your Pets
