Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What we are all about!

Hello gorgeous people,

Erik and I wanted to start off by saying, thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by our blog. We have been blogging on Tumblr for some time now, but we thought it was time to get a new blog for our new adventure!!
If you have been to our blogs on Tumblr, then you have been able to follow our life. Here are our blogs on Tumblr if you'd like to get an update: & The "babyrichards1" blog started out as our own personal blog but we quickly realized that we didn't have much going on in baby world, so I decided to make it an informational blog. Lots of really great women were able to get lots of information from pregnancy to babies to toddlers even teens. The blog really became a huge hit for information. The "megan-erik" blog was our own personal day to day blog. We loved it, but between work, school, the "babyrichards" blog and that one, we just couldn't keep up. So that led us here! And after much talking and deliberation, we have made many decisions for our life. Some people may see things their own way and of course lots of people have questions or concerns, but this is what it is, a blog about our journey to TTC (trying to conceive) and then after conceiving, our journey through pregnancy and then eventually our journey to parenthood. We know that TTC is hard! We know so many people who have struggled with this journey and we are understanding that God will give us what we need, when we need it. We truly hope this blog is helpful to those of you who are thinking or trying to conceive. Please don't hesitate to ask questions, we will do our best to answer them. We also want this blog to be a way for our family and friends to keep up with our journey to our 1st baby!

With love, grace, best wishes and more posts to come,
