Saturday, March 14, 2015

FAV SUPERFOOD {03.17.2015}

Let's chat about my new favorite superfood. I briefly mentioned it in Sunday's blog titled "There's nothing like it." However, I didn't go into detail because I knew I wanted to make a full post about the benefits of Chia Seeds. Stay tuned below for some delicious recipes too!!!

Let's start with the benefits...
Anything that fights belly fat, count me in!!! I'll be honest, just adding (2) 1/2 teaspoons to your water bottle (16 fl. oz.) will fill you up fast! Need a quick pre/post-workout energy and refresher? Get a shot-glass {keep your mind focused here}, fill with water and add (2) 1/2 teaspoons of chia seeds. Talk about a real refreshing shot and bonus you get to drink it out of a shot-glass!

Now for some people I'm sure the idea of drinking "cha-cha-cha-Chia" seeds, {oh yah! these are the same seeds that were used for the Chia pets!}, is gross but let me tell you there is no flavor at all! To be honest, it's like drinking the little strawberry seeds. You know than things on the outside of the strawberries? Imagine drinking those. Only difference is, you need to let the seeds sit in the water for at least 10 minutes so they form a jelly-like outter ring. Trust me, it takes a little bit to get used to the slimmy feeling but after you do, it's amazing!

Let's start simply with water. Add fun fruits for a kick of flavor. 

Don't be afraid to add it to smoothies or oatmeal. Get creative and don't forget to show me your ideas!!!