Monday, March 2, 2015

NEW E & ME=BLOG FACELIFT {03.02.2015}

First of all, HAPPY MARCH beauties! Hard to believe we are flying through this year and not looking back for a second.

So recently, E and I suffered a miscarriage, you can read all about here. We made some decisions about what we wanted moving forward and part of that decision was moving on from our TTC Journey. 

In 2014, E and I went on a brand new journey called "lifestyle change." I will admit that once you get used to working out daily, it becomes a "need" and you want to workout. So by the title of our blog now (My Preppy Fitness Blog), one can come to the conclusion that we are back! We are back to the workout and fitness world. We started this morning actually. Day 1 was a thrill! Here's how it went...

3:45a - Alarm goes off
4:00a - Head to the gym
4:10a - Start workout: today was leg day for both of us
4:45a - E goes to the showers and I head for the sauna
5:00a - E heads to work and I head home to get ready for my day

So we ended up only doing about a 35 minute workout but we both managed to complete our leg day exercise routines. 

We feel really good! Confident! And ready to take on this workout journey. One of the things that I love is that we have a Costco within minutes of our home so it made Sunday Meal Prep so much easier. Speaking of meal prep, I will be posting more about that for those interested. I will also be posting our workout plan.

If you are wondering, E and I have set a so called "deadline" for ourselves. I needed to know my goal  date so I could see the goal and reach out. This goal date is June 1.

Throughout the next 12 weeks, we will push ourselves to be better, to make a huge lifestyle change, and even completely change our eating habits. Our blog will be dedicated to our journey throughout day-to-day life and fitness/workout/lifestyle change. 

I'm really looking forward to our first weigh-in which will be this Sunday, March 8! 

Want to join us on our 12 week challenge of intensity workouts and healthy meal planning? Check out our post tonight which will feature workout plans and meal prep plans. 
