Tuesday, March 31, 2015

UPCOMING TTC NEWS {03.31.2015}

Before April arrives, I wanted to post quickly about our current TTC journey. No, we are not completely done. Yes, we do have plans on continuing to try. I am torn! Part of me wants to keep the blog updated on our TTC journey but there is an overwhelming part that says to keep it to ourselves. I want to celebrate each one of my precious miracles, no matter how long they will stay with us but it's devastating to get all the sweet and loving "congratulations" only to find out days later that we lost our baby. We are thankful for all the love and support we receive but sometimes I feel like it would be better if we kept it to ourselves. It's a fine line to walk...

What's coming up? Well, currently I have an OBGYN appointment scheduled for April 8 at 9:20am. Apparently, my OBGYN thinks that it is finally time to listen to me. From what I understand, I will be doing countless bloodwork and ultrasounds followed by Provera to start the period, Clomid, and we will finally be able to take Progesterone, FINALLY ! Of course I will be taking my daily temps, taking daily prenatal pills, and daily OPKs. One thing that I want to do is only do a blood test to find out if we're pregnant. Last time we got pregnant, I told myself that I would not take HPTs, but I gave in and I wish I would have just scheduled the bloodwork instead, maybe then the Doctor would have seen my low HCG levels.

I will admit that we are doing our best to keep a positive outlook, keep God close to our hearts and prayers, and remind ourselves that we are lucky to be parents of two Angel Babies. So, that's all I've got today and I appreciate your support throughout our journey. As always, I will try to update after the appointment to give all the details of our next cycle and what we will need to expect.

Much Love and Many Blessings to You!