Friday, May 17, 2013

More On Another Day {05.17.2013}


I am happier than a bee on a sunflower… want to know why? Well first off, it’s FRIDAY! Second, Erik and I are going to see the Pirates of the Caribbean at the Houston Symphony…ooohh yeah! I am so excited!!!!! {That’s an understatement –haha}

Recently, I have noticed multiple of my blogger-friends using labels on their blogs. I haven’t used it but once, but I want to start trying to so today I will add a label maybe something like "Friday"? I don’t really know what it does, but it’s worth a try haha

We are getting anxious for our doctor’s appointment, just counting down the days until we find out if we are pregnant. I’ll tell you, after writing our Waiting To Be Three Story article, we both realized just how long the journey has been for us.  I mean sure, we talk about it all the time with ourselves, people we know, friends, family, and occasionally random people we meet, but to actually sit down and write it all out, you start to realize just how far you've really gone. It’s definitely been a crazy ride, one that when it’s over, I will be so glad. And sometimes I wonder what the point of the ride is? I mean if you are like us, you believe in your heart that God controls your life and everything in it and that happens, so why is this happening? We wonder that question frequently but to actually stop and thank him for the journey is one we have a hard time with. We don’t think about the lessons he has taught us throughout the journey, and I must say, if it wasn't for Him and his grand plan, we wouldn't and couldn't be where we are today. We are happy! And I really believe that once we do get pregnant it will make it that much more amazing because of this journey we have been set on. So with every day that passes, I am praying we are praying that He will grant us the miracle of a baby, maybe even two if we get extra lucky. We have a miniature countdown going on at our house (a countdown to the doctor’s appointment), and I wanted to add one on the blog for those of you who follow us religiously so if you look to the right underneath our “About Us” information, you will see the baby countdown taking place.

My best friends birthday is this Sunday, and we are going to their house on Saturday for her party. I can't wait to see her. It's literally been almost a month since we have hung out....I know right?!?! So guess who gets to do some shopping -ME!!- I get to shop for some awesome presents for her...I can't wait! I will try to post pictures on Sunday from her party.

That’s all I have for today but I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and I look forward to sharing more another day.

God Bless

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