Friday, October 3, 2014

PCOS Diet Day 5 {10.03.2014}

I am so excited! It's Friday!!! Although it should be a sad day because this exact day last year, we found out we had a miscarriage, but I am happy instead. I am happy because I believe in my heart that this is our chance to get pregnant. I hope you are all having a great day! Also, be sure to check in this weekend, I will be posting about my PCOS Meal Planning, Prepping, and Organization! So excited to share this with you. So, here are my stats for today...

PCOS Diet Day 5

Weight (day 1 morning): 
Weight (day 4 morning)
Weight lost: 1.4
Food today:
B- boiled egg, green grapes, mozzarella stick
S1- pineapple
L- salad with olive oil & vinegar and grilled chicken
S2- none
D- Talapia, asparagus, and broccoli all cooked in coconut oil. I did add some olive oil to the broccoli to help cook it.
S3- pretzels crisps
Energy: feeling a little sleepy but at the same time feeling very energetic this Friday!
Anything else: more blood, which is a really good sign. I truly feel that this is our chance! I wholeheartedly believe we have a great chance of getting pregnant this cycle. To think 5 days after starting the diet, I have lost 1.4 lbs and my period is on it's way, so far this diet is doing great!
Thank you for reading! If you are interested in being my TTC or PCOS buddy, email me at

See you tomorrow!!!