Wednesday, October 1, 2014

PCOS Diet Day 3 *Quick Update* {10.01.2014}

I think from now on I will just do these nightly updates because try are really helpful for me to track my progress, and maybe you can get some ideas for meals if you want to join the diet. So here is my diet day 3 update...

PCOS Diet Day 3

Weight (day 1 morning): 174.6
Weight (day 2 morning): 173.6
Weight lost: 1.0
Food today:
B- boiled egg, green grapes, mozzarella stick
S1-  pumpkin seeds
L- salad with oil & vinegar with chicken
S2- pineapple
D- I totally cheated y'all! But after having one cheat night I can honestly say that I would much rather choose the healthy food because it doesn't weigh me down or make me feel like crap!
S3- lemon and salt
Energy: pretty good! Until I cheated on dinner by eating wings, but I'm determined to never eat that again because it made me feel gross!
Anything else: cramps have been pretty bad, maybe this is AF arriving (please let it be AF). Oh, I am loving the taste of coconut oil and have started eating it supplementally. 
That's all I've got tonight! Hope you enjoyed my post from this morning and that it have you some inspiration to decorate for Fall! Looking forward to posting again tomorrow! Have a wonderful night.

Well Wishes and Baby Dust
(check out my new sig, perfect for Fall!)