Thursday, October 9, 2014

TTC Essentials {10.09.2014}

Hello Ladies!!!

Today, the focus is going to be all about TTC Essentials! I’m not going to spend time typing up a story…instead, I have added the video for your viewing pleasure. This is obviously just a few of the things that I suggest. The PCOS Diet is a MAJOR part of this TTC journey, these are just “boosters” to help push that little sperm and egg to meet and stick. So enjoy the video!

I will be posting a video using my first OPK (digital style-whoop whoop!) on CD 8 which is October 12, this Sunday! Keep in mind that the box does have 10 tests so I will be using those until October 21. I will keep you posted on as details come up but for the most part, this is what I’ve got for you. I hope that you are trying a few of these things! If so, let me know how it is going and definitely let me know if you get your BFP.

Well Wishes and Baby Dust