Tuesday, January 13, 2015

HERE WE GO AGAIN {01.13.2015}

Big "C" day is just a few hours away!!! Hard to believe that we are back on TTC duty. It's almost like an old friend that you never were that close to but still there are memories. Well, that's our relationship with Clomid at least. It's a love/hate relationship. Today officially marked day 1 of Mrs. AF making her arrival. I knew she was coming by the headaches and sore boobs. Only took her 100 days to get here!!! Can you believe that? I went 100 without a period!!! Crazy! 

I must admit, I have never been sooo excited to see her in my whole life. Her arrival means that the hubs and I can embark on another amazing journey through the whirling, twirling, quick twisting and crazy world of TTC. This cycle means so much to me. If  When we find out in a few weeks that we ARE pregnant, I'm using the secret and staying positive, it will mean that our baby will be due around E's birthday. What a blessing! He would LOVE that! I know I'm getting pregnant this round! This is OUR round, OUR year, and I couldn't be more excited for what the next few weeks hold in store for us. 

I feel very lucky to be able to get pregnant. I know that many women cannot, and although our miscarriage was absolutely devastating, I am thankful everyday that that baby was our sign from God that we CAN in fact get PREGNANT! That's huge! I am also very blessed that E is perfect! When we got his semen analysis done and the results came back 100% perfect, I was shocked. I must also be thankful for this because many men experience infertility themselves. Sure, three years of waiting sucks. It really really does. But I think the one thing that kept us going is the undeniable fact that we COULD CAN WILL get pregnant and our Rainbow baby WILL be here in 2015! I have so much faith. I believe in God. I believe He knows what is right for us and when we need things. I believe He loves E and I and wants us to have a baby or He would never have given us the first one. I believe that our angel baby, SweetPea, is in heaven sending us well wishes that His/Her brother or sister will be healthy and in our arms soon. That's all I have. Belief. Now, I know some people do not believe, or some may even give up on God. But if I give up on Him isn't that grounds for Him to give up on me too? Well, of course not, His love is unconditional. That is why I believe. It is His unconditional love that continues to inspire me. To move me forward with this journey. He is inspires to be thankful, grateful, appreciative, humble, and blessed for all the wonderful things I've been given in this journey so far. So as E and I embark on this journey, well at least for the next few weeks until test day, I will look up, I will pray, I WILL believe with all of my heart that this IS OUR YEAR for our Rainbow Baby! Here's to another round with love and faith in my heart, mind, and soul.

I wanted to remind you that I will be updating weekly, possibly daily, throughout the journey. I will be posting first update tonight. Here is what my update will look like...

Cycle Day:
Next Dr. Appt.:
Fertility Chart:

God Bless and Baby Dust